Products: Chilled Water Buffer Vessels

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AV Chilled Water Buffer Vessels
The AV Range of vessels are primarily for use on chilled water systems, supplied pre-insulated and are designed for single circuit systems, for inertia purposes to increase the system volume and for dual circuits where a peak loads need to be covered. The range covers capacities from 200 litres to 5,000 litres. The shell is manufactured from mild steel as standard, but galvanised steel and stainless steel vessels are also available. Vessels are available vertically or horizontally.
There are 5 models that offer variations such as a vessel with baffle plates, a perforated divider plate or with sparge pipes for even distribution of water, and material options
AVT-6B & AVT-10B – Carbon steel shell, open vessel
AVZ-6B & AVZ-10B – Galvanised steel shell, open vessel
AVS-6B & AVS-10B – Carbon steel shell, with perforated central divider plate
AVP-6B & AVP-10B – Carbon steel shell, with multiple flow divider plates
AVX-6B & AVX-10B – Stainless steel shell, AISI 316
We can also design and manufacture chilled water buffer vessels up to 125,000 litre capacity, designed in accordance with various codes such as PD5500, supplied with full certification and CE marked where required
Our standard range of chilled water buffer vessels are designed and manufactured to the latest standards and are fully compliant with the Pressure Equipment Directive.
Please refer to the brochure for dimensions for our standard AVT & AVZ chilled water buffer vessels. For any further information, please download our brochure using the link to the left
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Arbe AV-HP Chilled Water Buffer Vessels
The Arbe range of AV-HP buffer vessels are designed with a higher working pressure than that of our standard AV*-6B and AV*-10B range of vessels. We have supplied over 50 off 5000 litre AV-HP vessels designed to operate at 16 BarG for various Data Centre projects in Hong Kong. The vessels have internal baffle plates for optimal operation.